Canada 2017·Canada is ...

LGBTQ+: 'Who has been left behind in that conversation?'

Olivia Nuamah of Pride Toronto sees Canada as a leader in acceptance of and compassion towards the LGBTQ+ community, as well as in the protection of individual human rights.

A reflection on the past, present and future of LGBTQ+ rights in Canada

Canada has been a global leader when it comes to LGBT rights and freedoms.

Same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada in 2005.

Olivia Nuamah, the executive director of Pride Toronto urges us to never forget the "wins and the gains' that came out of that victory for the same-sex community, but she says the conversation doesn't stop there.

In this segment of Canada Is ...  Nuamah hopes for a broader dialogue about LGBTQ+ rights in Canada and around the world.

Canada is ... is an online series produced in collaboration with Thought Café showcasing the many facets of Canadian identity. Leading figures in each field explore how their area relates to Canadian culture and capture a part of what it means to be Canadian.