'Prime Minister Kaur!' Calgary Sikh students act out visions of Canada's future
'I actually want to be Prime Minister when I grow up' — Lakshpreet, Grade 6

"Make some noise for the prime minister of Canada!"
Perched atop a neon blue parliament building, Lakshpreet Kaur Sumal waves to a cheering crowd. It's the Khalsa School of Calgary's first ever school-wide performance and the 11-year-old has been cast as Prime Minister Kaur — the first Sikh woman to ever head the government of Canada. It's a vision for the future dreamt up by her Grade 6 class.
"Everyone was clapping for me," Lakshpreet recalled to Baninoor Kaur, a teacher at the school. She says the performance made her feel good and important. "I actually want to be the Prime Minister when I grow up!"

A travelling show
The schoolgirl is among thousands of young Albertans acting out Canada's rich histories and possible futures with Trickster Theatre. The Calgary performance company is marking Canada's sesquicentennial with week-long residencies at over 40 Alberta schools. Their travelling show is called Canada 150: Our Many Faces.
Participating schools have chosen a theme to reflect, educate or inspire their student body — from First Nations health at Ermineskin School in Maskwacis to mixed ability at Emily Follensbee School in southwest Calgary to French-Canadian culture at École les Cyprès in Medicine Hat.

"We're not building a play. We're building a series of pieces united by a common theme," says Trickster Theatre founder and director David Chantler. His company sends a travelling rig and a small team of artists to each school. The "tricksters" arrive armed with costumes, crash mats, pool noodles, parachutes and a flexible formula for an original show.
Each classroom has a week to work with a performer, blending props, choreography and A/V effects into their own unique piece.
And although the residency is meant to be interactive and fun, there's room to explore more difficult themes — from climate change to suicide prevention to discrimination.
"It's definitely a more balanced picture than when I went to school," says Chantler.
'A place for everybody'
Khalsa School's theme, Sikhs in Canada: Past to Present, brought together the school's 400-plus student population — from kindergarten students to ninth graders. Collectively, they explored the highs and lows of the Sikh community's time in Canada.
Kaur, the Grade 1 teacher who helped bring the show to the school, sees a growing role for the arts as younger generations explore a greater range of opportunities.
"With theatre there's a place for everybody," says Kaur, adding that Canadian Sikhs of times past were just trying to get by. Now, as high-profile Sikhs like entertainer Lilly Singh and Humble the Poet continue to rise, she hopes to see more programming rooted in drama and the arts.
"I think it's crucial, actually."
With theatre there's a place for everybody.- Baninoor Kaur, Grade 1 teacher
The teacher's not alone in her assessment. Trickster Theatre's model has captured the attention of academics at the University of Calgary, who have studied the project as an example of Socially Empowered Learning.
They found that programs like Trickster's "significantly increased" engagement, empowerment and entrepreneurial spirit among students.
This model is also supports "the kids who get in trouble," says Chantler. Suddenly there's a role for students who want to shout out and move around.
Memorable lessons
The students at Khalsa School certainly seem to have enjoyed their time in the spotlight.
Grade 5 student Guramrit Singh said the week-long project was "the best thing that happened in my life ... I had a lot of fun!"

Older students were able to recount lessons in detail, like Grade 7 student Gurshaan Rai.
"We learned about our ancestors and how much they struggled in Canada. We learned that they came a long time ago and they were discriminated against and judged by their turbans and how they looked," Gurshaan told Kaur, pointing to high-profile Sikh leaders like Harjit Sajjan as evidence how far his community has come.
(The defence minister actually made a brief cameo in one of the performances, via recorded video message.)
"Sometimes we say that our parents work at only Walmart, but we know how much it took for them to get to the better jobs they have today," adds Rai.
"The culture in Canada is starting to get used to Sikh People."
It was the best thing that happened in my life. I could show my acting skills in front of so many people. I had a lot of fun!- Guramrit Singh, Grade 5
Interest in Trickster's program has ballooned far past early goals, says Chantler. Roughly 15,000 Alberta students are involved in the 150 project, not to mention teachers, parents and other volunteers.
Although a few months have passed since the tricksters left the building, Kaur still gets charged up describing the show, which the school has posted online in its entirety.
"Honestly, I didn't hear one negative comment. Not even one. Not from anyone," says Kaur.
"I've already had so many students asking: 'when are we doing this again'?"
Trickster Theatre's Canada 150 residency program is ongoing and will continue throughout the 2017/2018 school year.
Are you creating art for, about, or because of Canada 150? Share your paintings, photography, music, poetry, or local event with us at 2017@cbc.ca.