A delicate 'air garden' made from colourful chains hangs over LAX
Benjamin Ball imagines airports being a place where work like his could be seen for 'over hundreds of years'
Benjamin Ball imagines his work, installed at Los Angeles' LAX airport, far into the future. "I think it's a little bit like a Renaissance church in Italy — you get something that's part of the building and hopefully people get to see it over hundreds of years."
"Maybe if we're lucky that will happen."
Ball explains the double meaning of these hanging works. "This is part of a series of works that we call suspensions, which is a word from chemistry which describes a kind of solution with solid particles floating in it, but it is also quite literally suspended from, in this case, the roof."

Ball-Nogues Studio's installation drapes down from the ceiling and is made up of at least a hundred thousand small segments of painted ball chain, meticulously assembled. "Every little bit of this material was handled by a human numerous times."
Jet Age considers the evolution of airports from generic atriums into bonafide art galleries that surround and engage their visitors with stunning sculptures, architecture, and paintings. Watch all ten episodes of Jet Age now.