Sarah Raughley
Sarah Raughley is an academic, public writer and novelist. She is an assistant professor of writing at Lakehead University in Orillia, Ont., and the author of the fantasy trilogy The Effigies Series and the upcoming 2021 trilogy The Bones of Ruin. You can find out more about her work at sarahraughley.com or on Twitter at @s_raughley.
Latest from Sarah Raughley

Emancipation Day exposes Canada's educational blind spot
Despite new federal recognition of Emancipation Day, many Canadians remain unaware of their country's history of slavery — and this is largely owed to the reluctance of schools to teach this history, writes Sarah Raughley.
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BTS is making Grammy history. Will it pave the way for racial diversity in K-pop?
Sarah Raughley explores the genre's long and complicated history with Black culture.
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Can art transform a nation's legal consciousness? This pandemic-inspired cartoon series is trying
In an era of politicization and misinformation, the simplicity of a satirical cartoon can cut through it all.