Shauna Chase and Alex Vietinghoff
Shauna Chase is a freelance writer and editor, and Alex Vietinghoff is a freelance videographer and video editor. They are the founders of The Manatee, Atlantic Canada's largest satirical news website. They recently completed post-production on Beerocracy, an independent feature documentary on the growing craft brewing industry in New Brunswick.
Latest from Shauna Chase and Alex Vietinghoff

Here's how this New Brunswick maker transforms cigar boxes into charming guitars
Bob Belyea demonstrates how, with a bit of effort and some foraged materials, he's learned to make new music.
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This New Brunswick chainsaw sculptor makes delicate carvings with dangerous tools
Joel Palmer first picked up a chainsaw with the sole intention of cutting himself some firewood. Now, his carvings have become his life — and his livelihood.
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