Edmonton and its topography are constantly changing — and this airport mosaic maps both
'Edmonton's diverse, so it's not just one thing...It's everything together changing all the time'
Erin Pankratz's Edmonton International Airport mosaic Everything Flows, Nothing Stands Still turns the city sideways up on the wall — mapping both the city's topography and how it's constantly changing.
"The piece is all about change and how Edmonton changes so drastically over the year," he says. "Edmonton's diverse, so it's not just one thing. It's not just the River Valley; it's not just the seasons. It's everything together changing all the time."
Pankratz's mosaic is made up of small pieces of tile, objects such as coins and watches, as well as mementos (including a Spiderman head!) brought by a group of collaborators. For Pankratz, working with the mosaic medium feels 'innate' to her.

"It's very tactile. It's about collecting things, taking things apart and putting them back together again — shaping things."
Jet Age considers the evolution of airports from generic atriums into bonafide art galleries that surround and engage their visitors with stunning sculptures, architecture, and paintings. Watch all ten episodes of Jet Age now.