Melody Hansen makes viral illustrations out of your most difficult feelings
'We take for granted the simple things that we say — the simple human things'
Melody Hansen is a Toronto-based artist whose drawings and texts are striking a personal chord with audiences. Her Instagram is a lineup of poetic musings and simply-worded descriptions of states of mind that are sometimes difficult to talk about and even harder to clearly articulate.
Hansen has put together a collection of her work into her book Because, Honestly, and it's a well of emotions that are particularly relatable to anyone who has been in a relationship, felt lonely, anxious, or just plain human. As Melody explains: "We take for granted the simple things that we say — the simple human things."

In this video, we met Melody in her home studio to talk about what it's like to put your emotions out there and how she continues to challenge herself.
Watch CBC Arts: Exhibitionists on Friday nights at 12:30am (1am NT) and Sundays at 3:30pm (4pm NT) on CBC Television.