From discarded gloves to grocery lines, Eve Saint Jean illustrates the minutia of our current lives
In the age of social distancing, she's ruminating on the visual symbols that represent 2020 so far
In our self-shot video series COVID Residencies, we're checking out how artists are adapting their practices in isolation, whether it's diving into different processes or getting lost in their sketchbooks.
There are images that are going to come to define these long months we've spent in our bedrooms and living rooms: discarded gloves on the sidewalk; empty grocery store shelves; the lineups to get to them.

These snapshots have become fodder for illustrator Eve Saint Jean's work, which has always been inspired by daily life. In this video, she'll show you Ctrl-Z, the graphic novel she collaborated on with her brother, about relationships through social media, plus her recent series about solitude. And you'll see her make one of the works directly inspired by our strange days and our new fears, like lacking supplies and missing everybody and everything. But, Saint Jean points out, art remains a space where people can express themselves — it's a nice thing to keep in mind.
Follow Eve Saint Jean here and keep a lookout for the stories we're bringing you from other artists in isolation as part of COVID Residencies. Stay safe, friends!

CBC Arts understands that this is an incredibly difficult time for artists and arts organizations across this country. We will do our best to provide valuable information, share inspiring stories of communities rising up and make us all feel as (virtually) connected as possible as we get through this together. If there's something you think we should be talking about, let us know by emailing us at See more of our COVID-related coverage here.