7 women are killed per day in Mexico. This collective is fighting back with art
'We know violence against women is happening, but we don't talk about it'
"Every day women are killed just because we don't want to take pictures with a guy or we don't want to have sex with a guy."
Andrea Narno Híjar is a visual artist from Mexico City and is part of the art collective Mujeres Grabando Resistencias (Women Engraving Resistance), a group of 21 women that has been fighting for justice and women's rights since 2012. Now they're tackling the prevalence of femicides — "killing a woman for being a woman" — in Mexico where, on average, seven women are killed per day. Women Engraving Resistance is putting up hand-carved, screenprinted posters around Mexico City in solidarity with other women and to protest this violence.
See more of Andrea Narno Híjar's story in Interrupt This Program's Season 3 Mexico City premiere this Friday, October 13th at 8:30pm.

I feel exposed all the time, like any of us here, but I feel that I can change a little bit what we are living [with] by the work that I am doing.- Andrea Narno Híjar
Their poster campaign in Mexico City's streets #vivanosqueremos — "Alive we want ourselves" — is their way of using art to combat femicides by forcing the city to face the violence.

"We know violence against women is happening, but we don't talk about it," says Híjar. "So if you see artwork in the street displaying it, maybe it will make you uncomfortable and you'll start questioning why it is necessary to be there."
Art as political protest, as a means of survival, as an agent of change, as a display of courage and delight. Interrupt This Program explores art in cities under pressure. Interrupt This Program Season 3 premieres October 13 at 8:30pm. Catch up on the first two seasons now.