Check out Cuba's first design shop — whose shirts Obama (remember him?) wanted for Sasha and Malia
Clandestina is more than just a place to get cool t-shirts — it's a vibrant creative community
Inspired by the Cuban film Clandestinos, "a masterpiece about young and subversive revolutionaries," Havana's design shop Clandestina is more than just a place to get cool t-shirts — it's a vibrant and welcoming creative community.
Watch the video above to see a bonus story from Interrupt This Program's Havana episode: a trip to a party, spilling out onto the street, at Clandestina's Havana shop.
Stream the full Interrupt This Program: Havana episode now!
Clandestina is a lifestyle — a place with open doors. Everyone is welcome here.- Cynthia, Clandestina Manager

We're trying to create a platform of Cuban designers.- Karla, Clandestina Manager
So why do their shirts and bags say "99% Cuban design" on them? According to Cynthia, one of the managers at Clandestina: "Because 100% is very boring."
Art as political protest, as a means of survival, as an agent of change, as a display of courage and delight. Interrupt This Program explores art in cities under pressure.
Season 2 begins in Moscow on Feb. 5 at 9pm (9:30pm NT) and you can see more from Havana on Feb. 26.
Watch Season 1 now streaming online with episodes from Beirut, Kiev, Port-au-Prince, Medellín and Athens.
Video edited by Andrew Kemp.