She's only 12 and has already danced with Bieber and Ellen. Learn Khiyla Aynne's fav move: The Woah
'I can accomplish anything. I got my goals on my vision board'

Most people would be lucky to go viral once in their lives. At 12 years old, Khiyla Aynne has already done it a few times.
In 2016, she was one of four children chosen to dance onstage with Justin Bieber during his song "Children" for the Purpose World Tour in Toronto. A year later, she struck viral gold again: after submitting a dance routine to The Ellen Show (choreographed by Bizzy Boom) with her girl squad Naima Philips and Ajanae Stephenson, Ellen invited them on to perform it on air.
These incredible accomplishments from such a young age have taught her the power of hard work and positive thinking. "I can accomplish anything," she says confidently. "I got my goals on my vision board. If I keep training, keep believing in them, they'll come true."
In this episode of The Move 3: Kids, Khiyla shares her personal twist on one of the world's most popular new moves: The Woah.

Everybody and their mother has tried this Dallas-bred dance move, and from the fierceness it brings out of Khiyla, it's not hard to see why. But for kids like her, dance challenges are more than just a trend — they can be a fun way to learn, connect, personalize, and share inspiration with other kids around the world. "We're creating a different style and then other kids are going to follow in our footsteps. It's just going to keep going."
The Move 3: Kids features performances from nine of the most incredible young dancers in Canada. Find out more and stream the full series now on CBC Gem.