Thank You Internet...for VR that puts you inside Yayoi Kusama's incredible 'Infinity Mirrors'
Catch up on some of the art and design wonders you might have missed
Phil Leung curates the best of the web for Exhibitionists. Click your way through the five best things he saw online this week.
This is what happens when your family business is anime
Thomas Romain is a French artist working in Japan, and he uses his young sons' drawings to create sensational fantasy sketches. To see the results, just follow him on Twitter, where he shares the results as part of a project called "Father and Sons Design Workshop." You know what they say: the family that draws anthropomorphic snake warriors together stays together.
親子デザイン工房 (No.08)<br>蛇戦士<br>原案:次男<br>イラスト:パパ<br><br>Snake fighter<br>Original design: son (8)<br>Illustration : dad<br><br>The lollipop grants invincibility! <a href=""></a>
親子デザイン工房 ~ 2月まとめ<br>Father and sons' design workshop ~ February 2017 <a href=""></a>
親子デザイン工房 (No.04)<br>スチームパンクの医者<br>原案:次男<br>イラスト:パパ<br><br>Steam punk doctor<br>Original design: son<br>Illustration : dad<br><br>Have a nice, creative day! <a href=""></a>
#RedDressProject mysteriously appears at U of T
Red dresses have been appearing in parks and other public places since 2010, all to bring attention to Canada's missing and murdered Indigenous women. It's an ongoing art installation called The Red Dress Project, and the downtown campus of the University of Toronto was recently transformed by the initiative. See photos of the installation, and follow where the red dresses appear next, by searching the hashtag #reddressproject.

Red Dress Project <a href="">#RedDressProject</a> <a href="">#REDress</a> <a href="">#MMIW</a> <a href="">#WeAreTheLandTO</a> <a href="">#WeAreTheLand2017</a> <a href="">#UofT</a> <a href="">#stgeorgecampus</a> <a href="">#Toronto</a> <a href=""></a>
This art is so money
Kelowna, B.C. sculptor Kyle Zsombor is the inventor of a brand new art form: "money taxidermy." His favourite subjects are animals, especially the species with ample metaphorical currency (Wall Street Wolves, Cash Cows, etc.). He uses real money — U.S. dollars, Chinese Yuan, Cuban Pesos, etc. — to construct every piece. He recently told CBC News all about his process.

This is not a photograph
Don't believe us? Follow Arinze Stanley on Instagram. The self-taught Nigerian artist creates hyper-realistic drawings (as you can see), and on Instagram he's been documenting every step of the process for his thousands of fans.
To Infinity (Mirrors) and beyond!
Yayoi Kusama's "Infinity Mirrors" puts visitors in, well, a room of infinite mirrors — a giant, real-world kaleidoscope that we can't wait to experience when a survey of the Japanese artist's work arrives at the AGO next March. Seriously, we can't wait — that's a whole year away! And if you feel the same, spend some time poking around this 360-degree video of the piece, produced by the New York Times.
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