That time Catherine O'Hara hijacked a CBC interview in the best way possible
By the way, the guy interviewing her is Spider-Man. It's a Canadian Fact.

For a Canadian who didn't live through the '70s, it's hard to say what's more amazing about this clip:
A) The fact that Catherine O'Hara totally hijacked a CBC interview in the most hilarious way possible, or...
B) That the guy interviewing her was Spider-Man.
The voice of Spider-Man, anyway, for anyone who watched the classic '70s cartoon. Spidey was played by Paul Soles, and on this date in 1978, O'Hara appeared on his talk show, Canada After Dark — a program we can only assume aired somewhere between "Monday Night Curling" and "It's a Canadian Fact" on that year's broadcast schedule.
(We may have consulted an episode of SCTV, and not our friends in the CBC archives, for that schedule information.)
Schitts Creek is where you'll find O'Hara these days (the CBC comedy returns with back-to-back episodes January 12), but 37 years ago, the Toronto-raised actress was two seasons into SCTV.
The now-classic sketch comedy was the main topic of discussion on Canada After Dark. Well, that and O'Hara's earliest memories of performing — catching the acting bug in high school, at Toronto's Burnhamthorpe Collegiate. ("Anyone from Islington out there! I need a ride home!")
Eventually the conversation turned to how O'Hara creates characters — SCTV's Enough About Me talk-show host, Katherine Timber, for example.
Showing is always a better strategy than telling, and O'Hara knows it. Watch 'til the end to see what happened next.
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