This music festival is taking back the word slut — and they're not doing it quietly
Slut Island isn't the name of a bad reality show. It's a Montreal music festival all about empowerment
The word "slut" has been used to degrade women by suggesting they're sexually promiscuous or immoral. It's a word that has hurt many people, and it's still jarring to hear. So when Sultana Bambino and Franke Burge created a music festival and named it "Slut Island", it was a clear move to reclaim the word and empower artists.
And those artists have appreciated the gesture. "It allows space for people to grow and experiment and feel comfortable — allows for space for other people to show their creativity," says Witch Prophet.

In this video, you'll get an inside look at Slut Island and its energized lineup of artists. And you can keep up with the festival and its plans for next year here.
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