Amanda Marcotte
Amanda Marcotte is a journalist with CBC Saskatchewan.
Latest from Amanda Marcotte

'Extreme' drought in parts of Sask.: Ag Canada
Ninety-three per cent of Saskatchewan's farmland is in dry condition and some areas have 'extreme' drought, according to Agriculture Canada. Farmers and fire chiefs are both hoping for rain.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |

Teens offer suggestions to cope with COVID isolation, struggles with mental health
Now that schools in Regina have moved to online learning due to concerns over coronavirus variants until at least April 26, the isolation continues for many students.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |

First Nations therapist reflects on 20 years helping MMIWG families
Kim McKay-McNabb, who is a First Nations therapist, is speaking at the We Rise conference this week. It's organized by the Women's Secretariat of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations. Speakers will discuss racism, MMIWG and an action plan for change.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |

'It was like I was a zombie': Sask. woman says COVID-19 wreaked havoc on sleep schedule
Leanne Thompson-Hill says she's had a lot of sleepless nights since she got COVID-19 last year.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |

Regina friends embark on doughnut odyssey to combat COVID cabin fever
It's an odyssey worthy of Homer — Homer Simpson, that is.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |

Pandemic piles more onto existing 'double layer of exhaustion' for caregivers of kids with complex needs
Jacqui Cameron was used to the toll of her son's daily care. Now with COVID-19, the Regina caregiver has more concerns.
News -Canada -Saskatchewan |