David Yager
David Yager is a Calgary oil service executive, writer, author and energy policy analyst. His book, From Miracle to Menace — Alberta, A Carbon Story, was released in 2019.
Latest from David Yager

Rural vs. urban voters: Resources, unity and the 2021 election
The polarization is obvious. Resource producing regions vote Conservative. Urban resource consumers vote Liberal or NDP. While that works for the Liberals at the ballot box, it comes at a very high cost for national unity, says writer and oil service executive David Yager.
News -Opinion |

Net zero by 2050: So easy to say, so hard to do
Net zero by 2050 is the most ambitious, expensive and complex restructuring of an essential component of human existence in history, says Calgary writer and oil service executive David Yager.
News -Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | It's impossible to table a popular budget in today's Alberta
The criticism comes from all across the province and all over the world. It encompasses the past, present and future. The only common thread is that Alberta’s governments are wrong, says oil service executive David Yager.
News -Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | An insider's guide to the weird 'dinosaurs' occupying Calgary's office towers
If you are wondering why Calgary's office towers are filled with people who don't think like you, you should see what they read, says oil executive and writer David Yager.
News -Canada -Calgary |