Kailea Switzer
Kailea has a B.A. in Psychology from Mount Allison University, a B.Ed. from St. Thomas University, and a M.Ed. from Harvard University. After living in Toronto, Boston and Los Angeles for several years, she moved back to Charlottetown with her husband and daughter in 2018. She offers private counselling services as well as organization coaching and time management consulting.
Latest from Kailea Switzer

Point of View
What my post-partum body taught me: Point of View
I grew up not trusting my mirror. It wasn't until after I gave birth to my daughter that I started to heal those behaviours.
News -Canada -PEI |

Working happily(ish) from home: Opinion
Right now many of us are working from home, and it isn’t something we have chosen for ourselves.
News -Canada -PEI |

The agony of letting our kids take risks: Opinion
I am a first-time mother of a one-year-old, and over the past year I've had to temper my fears a million times. From the first night home from the hospital when I held my breath as she slept, to letting her eat grapes, to watching her climb precariously on every piece of furniture we own — it's been a daily practice of managing my own discomfort so that she can live her own risk-filled life.
News -Canada -PEI |

The truth about piano lessons: Opinion
The "results" of beginner piano lessons may not always be obvious, but your child is getting so much more from their piano lessons than you can see (or hear!).
News -Canada -PEI |