18 Canadian books coming out in October we are excited to read
This month is packed with exciting new books. Here are 18 titles to check out in October.
Rebent Sinner by Ivan Coyote

Ivan Coyote is a filmmaker, storyteller and writer. Rebent Sinner is an essay collection from various aspects of Coyote's life: helping younger LGBTQ folks, paying homage to their heroes, dealing with legislation and governments and being part of protests. Rebent Sinner is about Coyote's journey and shares a message of resilience, inclusion and hope.
Coyote's previous memoir, Tomboy Survival Guide, was a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction in 2017.
When you can read it: Oct. 1, 2019
When You Ask Me Where I'm Going by Jasmin Kaur

When You Ask Me Where I'm Going by Jasmin Kaur is a mix of poetry, prose and artwork. The book aims to spark debate around themes of mental health, feminism, immigration and personal empowerment. It's a look at what it means to be alive and willing to fight for rights in the world.
Vancouver-based Kaur is an illustrator, spoken word artist and author. Her approach to writing has drawn comparisons to Canadian poet Rupi Kaur and American writer Elizabeth Acevedo.
When you can read it: Oct. 1, 2019
Plummet by Sherwin Tjia

In Plummet, Amelia "Mel" Eichenwald wakes up one day to discover that Earth has disappeared and left its inhabitants in an endless state of freefall. Surrounded by falling knick-knacks, homes and other humans, Mel must figure out a way to survive in this strange gravity-centric reality.
Sherwin Tjia is an illustrator from Montreal. Plummet is his 11th book.
Dakwäkãda Warriors by Cole Pauls

Two Earth Protectors are charged with saving the planet from evil pioneers and cyborg sasquatches in Dakwäkãda Warriors. The comic, translated into two dialects of Southern Tutchone, serves as an allegory for colonialism.
Cole Pauls is a Tahltan comic artist. He created Dakwäkãda Warriors as a language revival initiative. In 2017, it won Broken Pencil Magazine's Best Comic and Best Zine of the Year Award.
When you can read it: Oct. 1, 2019
When you can read it: Oct. 1, 2019
The Blue Road by Wayde Compton & April dela Noche Milne

In The Blue Road, a girl without a past or family lives alone in a swamp made of ink. Lacuna decides to travel the storied and perilous Blue Road in hopes of finding others like her in the Northern Kingdom. With the help of a will-o'-the-wisp named Polaris, Lacuna faces a series of treacherous obstacles on her journey.
Wayde Compton is a B.C.-based author and creative writing teacher. Artist April dela Noche Milne is also from B.C. and The Blue Road is her first graphic novel.
When you can read it: Oct. 1, 2019
Bone Black by Carol Rose GoldenEagle

Bone Black is a novel about a young woman, Wren StrongEagle, discovering her twin sister, Raven, has gone missing. Wren immediately reports it to the local police, but feels they are not taking the case seriously. Feeling dismissed and worrying the case won't be investigated properly, she launches into action and decides to find justice on her own.
Carol Rose GoldenEagle is a Cree and Dene author whose books include the novel Bearskin Diary and the poetry collection Hiraeth.
When you can read it: Oct. 5, 2019
Angry Queer Somali Boy by Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali

Angry Queer Somali Boy is a memoir by Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali, a young man who left Somalia, spent time in the Netherlands, and ended up homeless in Canada. Canada was the promised land, but when he didn't fit in and life was more difficult than he expected, Ali turned to drugs and partying before finding his way.
Angry Queer Somali Boy combines Ali's personal story with the history of and commentary on the places he's called home: Somalia, Europe and Canada.
When you can read it: Oct. 5, 2019
Belated Bris of the Brainsick by Lucas Crawford

Belated Bris of the Brainsick is a poetry collection from Lucas Crawford that "is the pursuit of a 'queered' version of health." It explores mental illness, disability and the discovery of one's family history in order to bring different perspectives of health, wellness and illness into the conversation.
Crawford is based in New Brunswick and is also the author of the poetry collection Sideshow Concessions and the academic text Transgender Architectonics.
When you can read it: Oct. 5, 2019
On/Me by Francine Cunningham

Francine Cunningham is a writer who has spent life on the margins: she is Indigenous, but white-passing. She grew up in a city. She lives with mental illness. On/Me is her attempt to explore what this all means and to address how residential schools and the intergenerational trauma that followed has shaped her family and identity.
Cunningham is originally from Calgary, but now lives in Vancouver. On/Me is her first book.
When you can read it: Oct. 5, 2019
Butterflies, Zebras, Moonbeams by Ceilidh Michelle

Butterflies, Zebras, Moonbeams is a semi-autobiographical novel about B, a young Montrealer navigating the local music scene. B works diligently on her music and tries to stay afloat in an industry rife with addiction and nepotism.
Ceilidh Michelle is a musician and author from Nova Scotia. Butterflies, Zebras, Moonbeams is her debut novel.
When you can read it: Oct. 15, 2019
The Shape of Family by Shilpi Somaya Gowda

In The Shape of Family, Keith and Jaya lead an idyllic life with their headstrong teenage daughter Karina and young son Prem. But a terrible tragedy creates a rift between the family members, and no one, besides Prem, seems to have any interest in repairing it.
Shilpi Somaya Gowda is a novelist, born and raised in Toronto. She has published two other novels, Secret Daughter and The Golden Son.
When you can read it: Oct. 15, 2019
Blue Bear Woman by Virginia Pesemapeo Bordeleau, translated by Susan Ouriou & Christelle Morelli

In Blue Bear Woman, Victoria, a young Cree woman, journeys to her ancestral homelands to learn more about herself and her family. Guided by her totem, the Blue Bear, Victoria is met with uncles, aunties and cousins who all have stories to share.
Virginia Pesemapeo Bordeleau is a visual artist and published author of Cree origin. Blue Bear Woman is her second novel to be translated into English.
When you can read it: Oct. 15, 2019
Soulman by Rocky Johnson, with Scott Teal

Retired professional wrestler Rocky Johnson, a WWE Hall of Famer and father of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, has written a memoir about his remarkable road to success. Co-written with Scott Teal, Soulman begins with 13-year-old Johnson experiencing homelessness in Amherst, N.S. He rose to fame as a professional wrestler, becoming the first black man to win the Southern, Georgia and Florida heavyweight titles. Johnson later trained his son, who went on to become a legend in sports entertainment and one of the most highly paid actors in the world.
The Rock inducted his father into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2008 and wrote the foreword for this book.
When you can read it: Oct. 15, 2019
One Drum by Richard Wagamese

One Drum is a collection of stories and ceremonies inspired by the foundational teachings of Ojibway tradition. Wagamese's original plan was to focus on each of the seven lessons, known as the Seven Grandfather Teachings, but he died before completing the manuscript. The Seven Grandfather Teachings are humility, courage, honesty, wisdom, truth, respect and love. One Drum will focus on the lessons of humility, respect and courage and will feature four ceremonies that anyone can do.
Wagamese died in March 2017 at the age of 61.
When you can read it: Oct. 19, 2019
Voice of Rebellion by Roberta Staley

Mozhdah Jamalzadah, who arrived in Canada as a child refugee and later hosted a groundbreaking television show in Afghanistan, is the subject of Voice of Rebellion by Roberta Staley. Called the "Oprah of Afghanistan," Jamalzadah became known for tackling taboo subjects like divorce and domestic violence on The Mozhdah Show. Despite its success, Jamalzadah also received death threats and was eventually advised to return to Canada for her safety.
In 2018, Jamalzadah defended Sharon Bala's debut novel The Boat People on Canada Reads.
Roberta Staley is a writer and documentary filmmaker.
When you can read it: Oct. 22, 2019
Morning Glory on the Vine by Joni Mitchell

Morning Glory on the Vine was first published by Joni Mitchell in 1971. Originally conceived as a gift to close friends and family, it features more than 30 original pieces of artwork as well as poetry and lyrics. The 2019 edition will include a new introduction by Mitchell and new artwork.
Mitchell, who grew up in Saskatchewan, is one of Canada's most influential singer-songwriters.
When you can read it: Oct. 22, 2019
Murder by David Adams Richards

Murder is acclaimed writer David Adams Richards's first collection of nonfiction in more than 25 years. The book includes several meditations on murder and explores the lure of evil.
Richards is also a Canadian senator. He won the Giller Prize in 2000 for the novel Mercy Among the Children.
When you can read it: Oct. 22, 2019
Scotty by Ken Dryden

Scotty Bowman is considered one of the greatest hockey minds to ever be part of the game. He's won more Stanley Cups and been around more of the game's greats than anyone else. In Scotty, Ken Dryden gets Bowman to share memories from his stellar career while also posing questions like, what teams would be in the top eight best teams of all time? And, if they played head-to-head in a playoff series, who would win?
Dryden, a legendary former goalie for the Montreal Canadiens, is also the author of The Game and Game Change.
When you can read it: Oct. 29, 2019