6 books that inspired The Goods co-host Andrea Bain

Andrea Bain, co-host of the CBC show The Goods, has written a book, Single Girl Problems, that breaks down stigmas surrounding women who choose not to "settle down." When she isn't hosting lifestyle shows or relationship panels, Bain is an avid reader. Below, Bain shares six books that have inspired her life and work.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

"It's one of my favourites and I've read a lot of books — I mean a lot. Hosseini's words transport you to Kabul and for weeks after I finished reading it I felt like I was still there. His writing is so powerful that even thinking about the book cover makes me emotional. I also despise it when books or movies are over hyped, so all I will say is read it!"
Reposition Yourself by T.D. Jakes

"It's not lost on me that I'm living a life my grandmother couldn't imagine. As wonderful as that is, it can also be quite overwhelming because there's no one to ask questions like, 'How do you do this?' or, 'Am I making the right decision?' Luckily, I came across Bishop T.D. Jakes' book, Reposition Yourself, which helped answer those questions. It helped to reassure me that 'I've got this,' and that the only thing holding me back is myself."
Keeping the Love You Find by Harville Hendrix

"Everybody needs to read this book. Everybody. You, your partners, your exes and your divorce lawyer — everyone you know needs to read it! I first heard about Hendrix in an interview with Alanis Morissette on Oprah. A few days later I tracked down his book Keeping the Love You Find, read it cover to cover in one go and had an 'Oprah ah-ha moment.' Inside this 315-page book were all the answers to every relationship question and issue I'd ever had."
Destined to Witness by Hans J. Massaquoi

"If I had to choose between fiction and nonfiction, I'd choose nonfiction nine out of 10 times. There's something about being let into someone else's life that I find fascinating. Massaquoi recounts his life growing up as a young Black boy in Nazi Germany. It's a story that's not only unique, but is nearly unbelievable. This is one of those stories that belongs on the big screen."
Audition by Barbara Walters

"Growing up, it was my dream to become a journalist as revered as Barbara Walters. Saying that I idolized her would be an understatement. She broke so many barriers and proved that women can be just as tough and fair as their male counterparts. But details about her personal life were few and far between so when she finally released her autobiography, Audition, there was no question, I had to read it. From the divorce to the affairs and all the juicy behind-the-scenes drama, there were surprises on every page that an adoring fan like myself had no idea about."
The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama

"Before anyone thought he would win the U.S. presidency, I was a fan of Obama. I flew to Nevada to hear him talk at a conference and was blown away by how he commanded the room. At the time, no one thought he had a chance of winning and was merely making a name for himself but boy were they wrong. The title of this book is the best description of his journey. From humble beginnings to the White House, Obama demonstrated that nothing is impossible and his message lifted the entire world."
Andrea Bain's comments have been edited and condensed.