Humble The Poet writing Things No One Else Can Teach Us, a new book about finding happiness

Humble The Poet is publishing a new book about finding personal happiness.
Humble The Poet, a pseudonym for Kanwer Singh, is an MC, rapper, poet and spoken word artist. He has previously written two books, Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life and Beneath the Surface: 101 Honest Truths to Take Life Deeper.
Things No One Else Can Teach Us explores how life's most difficult moments are the ones we can learn the most from.
"Using raw, honest stories from his own life, he reveals how, with a change in mindset, we can stop seeing the negative and instead see the magic — our ability to create silver linings in our lives — priming us to better handle future challenges," the book's publisher, HarperCollins Canada, said in a release.
Humble The Poet won Canada Reads 2017, when he successfully defended André Alexis's novel Fifteen Dogs.
"The process of writing Things No One Else Can Teach Us has been the most uncomfortable, challenging, yet most rewarding experience I've had as a writer," Humble The Poet said in a press release. "I'm very excited to share this book with the world."
Things No One Else Can Teach Us will be available on Oct. 15, 2019.