Grade 4 and 5 students in Halifax get to know coal mining culture through Town Is by the Sea

On Oct. 10, 2018, Grade 4 and 5 students at Prospect Road Elementary School in Halifax met with Joanne Schwartz and Sydney Smith, the creators of TD Canadian Children's Literature Award finalist, Town Is by the Sea.
Joined by Mainstreet host Bob Murphy, students spoke with Schwartz and Smith about the history of coal mining in their home province, and how families like theirs might have been affected by this dangerous work not so long ago.

Prior to the classroom visit, CBC Radio's Carsten Knox dropped by Prospect Road Elementary for a conversation with students about their initial impressions of Town Is by the Sea.

Students also spoke with their teacher about aspects of the book they liked and disliked — and how it made them reflect on their own parents' work differently.
"My mom works at the IWK [Health Centre] helping babies and stuff," said one young reader. "I just wonder what that would feel like, and what happens there."
"My favourite part [of the book] was when his dad came home and the boy knew that his dad was safe," said another student.