Queen Street
This semi-autobiographical tale navigates the meanings of family and purpose in the complexities of simply being alive.
Emmanuelle Chateauneuf

Meet Aimee — an overworked junior partner at a prestigious law firm in Manila, Philippines. One storybook romance, four back-to-back flights and nine years later, in the small of mind but big in spirit town, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., she now lives; still overworked. But as a lower class serial-full-timer and mother to her only child, Melodie — an intelligent and eccentric seven-year-old, whose big personality is only rivaled by her even bigger imagination.
Join them and a cast of unlikely characters just as confused and lost, as they stumble blindly for 12 consecutive hours through the beautifully disastrous comedy of life. (From Chapterhouse)