Richard Van Camp recommends Deadly Loyalties by Jennifer Storm

June was Indigenous Book Club Month. Every day in June, CBC Books published a recommendation from an Indigenous writer for a book by another Indigenous author.
Richard Van Camp recommends Deadly Loyalties by Jennifer Storm.
"Jennifer Storm came out with Deadly Loyalties, published by Theytus Books, when she was 16. Originally called The Boy That Sheldon Killed, this story is about a young Indigenous woman who wants very much to join a gang in Manitoba so she'll have respect and protection. What she discovers is that once you're in a gang, you're supposed to be in for life. What she sees and discovers about gang life is terrifying and she wants very much to be home. This is a book that inspires me just thinking about it. Jennifer was 14 when she wrote it. It took her a month. Her new graphic novel with artist Scott Henderson is Fire Starters."
Richard Van Camp is author of the novel The Lesser Blessed, the graphic novel Three Feathers and the picture book Little You.