5 adorable cat costumes that will ruin your cat's day

Everyone loves a cute little kitty wearing a costume! Well, everyone except the cute little kitties, that is. They very obviously hate it with every inch of their being!
Here are 5 adorable cat costumes that will absolutely ruin your cat's day.
1) Bumble Bee
Could this costume bee any cuter? If you can endure the hissing and clawing as you slam-dunk your unwilling cat into the outfit, this classic Halloween get-up is always a big hit. Kitty will no doubt find it uncomfortable and disorienting, but that's a small price to pay for all the Instagram likes you'll rake in.
2) Minion
Younger trick-or-treaters will love this Meow-nions outfit! Unfortunately, your cat probably won't be near the door when the kiddies come a-knocking because it will be hiding in the basement, seething with resentment, vocalizing its displeasure, and wondering why you won't let it run naked and free. If only your furry companion understood human language, you could explain how much people enjoy the Despicable Me movies. But since it can't, you'll just have to accept that it may never trust you ever again.
3) Pumpkin Spice Latte
This one is purr-fect for orange tabby cats! Simply put your kitty into traditional pumpkin costume and then force it into a small plastic bin you've decorated to look like a Starbucks cup. It will likely try to escape, but it's crucial you keep putting it back into the bin. I mean, if people don't see your cat in the cup, what's the freakin' point? The cup is what makes it topical! So shove it back into the bin as many times as it takes.
4) Taco
Can we taco 'bout how adorable this costume is? Test the limits of your cat's mental health by parading it around as a delicious Mexican treat! For some extra Halloween fun, you can even hold it up and pretend like you're eating it for a delightful photo-op your cat couldn't possibly understand. Make no mistake, kitty will most certainly pee on your bed for the next month in retaliation. But that's showbiz, baby!
5) Princess Leia
Your cat probably won't like having its ears covered by the hairbuns, but it needs to accept that YOU know what's best. After all, you're an adult human and therefore much smarter than a cat. You're also way bigger. If your ungrateful feline friend protests this costume, tell it firmly that it has no choice. It's going to wear that robe and hairbuns and it is going to like it, damnit!
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