5 German words used to describe emotions only felt at a Tim Hortons

Tim Hortons is a Canadian institution, and one of our most unique franchises. There's nothing like it anywhere else in the world (except for all the places they have opened locations).
Fittingly, there are also unique feelings and situations that can only be experienced when inside a Tim Hortons. Luckily, just as they did with schadenfreude our German friends are here to help us out with their wonderful language, to help describe such incidents.
This is the word used by the Germans to describe the feeling one experiences when the customer just ahead of you in line takes the last of the flavour of Timbits you planned on ordering. If this happens late at night and there are only plain Timbits left after the incident, the Germans use a Norwegian loanword, Onlieborunglefte.
This is the term for the feeling one experiences if, after drinking all the liquid in a Tim Hortons hot chocolate, one chooses to take one more slurp of the salty, sugary, nightmarish, sticky brown substance that remains a-bottom the cup, which every time proves to be a devastating mistake, punishing one harshly for one's curiosity.
Experienced when you 1) try to use the bathroom, 2) find it locked, 3) wait for 15 minutes, 4) realize you don't want to use a bathroom someone has been in for 15+ minutes 5) ask the server if anyone is in there and get told no, there's a key, 6) wait for them to give you the key, 7) realize they aren't, they think you're just asking for research or something, 8) directly ask for the key, 9) then see someone else take the key just then so you 10) wait outside the bathroom until you realize you don't want use a bathroom that someone's been in for 25+ minutes, so you 11) go find a Starbucks.
This is experienced when you are in the mood for a particularly large and greasy breakfast, whether due to the demanding day ahead or perhaps because of the demanding night last night, if you catch our drift, and rather than doing this openly you pretend to make two separate orders, to be placed in two separate bags, though you will consume them voraciously as one (minus the bags).
The Germans themselves strongly encourage overcoming this feeling altogether, and just ordering whatever the heck you want, proudly, with as much bacon as you please.
You thought this Tim Hortons was open 24 hours until you tried to pull on the door at 2 am and, nope. Time for some more driving. (A common cause of rundklokenfaïlle is locatienmistakken, wherein you have confused this Tim Hortons location for another one a block away, or perhaps the one that's another block away from that one.)
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