5 signs he took you to a Boston Pizza for your first date

SASKATOON, SK—In our modern, fast-paced culture, sometimes we barely stop to slow down, smell the roses, and notice that someone thought Boston Pizza was an acceptable place to take us for a first date. Here are five ways to tell if this has happened to you.
1. The host or hostess, when greeting you both, said "Hi, welcome to Boston Pizza!"
Unless this person is very bad at their job, you're probably looking at getting to know this fella over a BP dinner, and it's up to you whether that makes this your only date.
2. He waited until you two met up that night to say, "So I'm thinking Boston Pizza? You good with that?"
You decided to leave it to him to choose where you two would meet, but obviously if he had mentioned a location in advance, and that location mentioned had been a Boston Pizza, you would have had time to suggest some alternate locations, and likely would have. This method, however, pretty much guarantees you're going to end up at BP, so that's where you are right now. On a first date.
3. There is a pierogi pizza on the menu
He didn't order it, but he did say, "Maybe not on a first date, heh."
4. At the end of the date, he said, "I'd love to meet up again. We won't do the Peetz twice in a row, though; Jack Astor's next time?"
Jack Astor's is to Boston Pizza as Family Guy is to Entourage. Someone who likes one probably also enjoys the other, and you should probably decide fairly early on whether that's someone you want to be in a relationship with.
5. He said one of the following phrases during dinner: "LOVE the Beeps," or "You come to BoPi often? I do," or "It's nice to be in a Boston Pizza for the third time this week, each of those times on a first date."
Those things he said meant you're in a Boston Pizza on a first date, and likely that his other potential romantic partners made sure that was their only date with him. Perhaps you should do the same.
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