8 childhood cartoons that clearly pushed a globalist, new world order agenda
As any InfoWars reader will tell you, our planet is controlled by a secret group of wealthy globalists who intend to bring about a new world order through mind control, socialism, and the implementation of a one world government. Need more evidence? Look no further than our beloved Saturday morning cartoons from childhood.
Duck Tales

Scrooge McDuck was a cantankerous old billionaire who went on wild adventures with his three nephews, Huey, Duey and Louie. Hmm, remind you of anyone? Oh I don't know, how about the famous, globalist billionaire GEORGE SOROS? This character is CLEARLY based on that shadowy, leftist benefactor. Well, maybe not the part about him going on adventures with his nephews. Or the "him being a duck" part. But still, hard not to connect the dots here!
The Real Ghostbusters

From 1986 to 1991, a cartoon series called The Real Ghostbusters ran on TV. The Illuminati doesn't want you to know this, but this series was actually based on a MOVIE that came out two years earlier starring Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver. Why the cover up? Some say the Illuminati were worried that Slimer's free-wheeling, individualistic attitude in the film might incite the public, so they created the cartoon as a false flag. Sad!
Pinky and the Brain

This was a show about a genetically modified mouse trying to take over the world. Talk about straight out of the globalist agenda playbook! And don't tell me you are surprised that the shadowy elites are giving mice super intelligence in their quest for world domination. I mean, have you seen what they're doing to the friggin' frogs??

This cartoon was about an alien species of sentient robots who have the ability to change their physical form at will. This is CLEARLY an allusion to Barack Obama, who regularly shifted between the human we saw on TV, and his natural lizard person shape. Trust me, shapeshifters are everywhere these days, people! Even in the homes of our alternative rockers.
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears

Oh look, it's the Gummi Bears!! What a fun bunch of tasty little fellas. But did you know that "Gummi" contains water, which contains FLUORIDE? First of all, fluoride is basically a communist tool (all teeth should be the same? eff off!). Secondly, it lowers IQ, contributes to infertility, and can even be used to control minds. Not so cute NOW, are they? (Although you have to grudgingly admit that is an excellent theme song. Damn Globalists even getting to me).
Sailor Moon

In this one, a middle school student is given a magical brooch that lets her fly through the sky and "save" the earth from the forces of evil. But as Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars and the others were flying through the atmosphere, were they up to anything else? Sadly yes. They were also doing research for the shadow government's chemtrail project that lets them control the weather. You sold us out, girls! You sold. Us. Out!

Jem, which ran from 1985 to 1988, was about a young woman who lived a secret life as the lead singer of the glamorous rock group Jem and the Holograms. Oh, you read that correctly. The government has absolutely had holographic technology since 80s, they've just been keeping it from the general public. Strange that they allowed these top-secret holograms to pursue music careers, but the Globalists work in mysterious ways.
Harry "Head in the Sand" and his Hive Mind, Collectivist Pals!

Can you believe how brazen the Globalists were to allow this one on the air? It's madness! To be honest, I might have thought this one up in a dream. But if I didn't? Hoo boy!
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