A regular man with some sick shoes: Meet Nick Reynoldson

We've got a brand new survey for Canadian comedians to help you get to know them a bit better, so jump in and take a look at what our first comic has to say!
Nick Reynoldson's debut album, I'll Be Fine, is out today on Comedy Records.
1. Where do you come from, and what were you like growing up?
I was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario. I was a happy kid and always loved performing and talking smack with my friends.
2. What kind of first impression do you hope to make on audiences when you step on stage?
I hope that people just look at me like a regular person, not a character or act. Just a regular man telling you his funny thoughts on the world. And maybe even a regular man with some sick shoes on.
3. When did you first know you wanted to do comedy? When did you decide it was a career?
I went to Humber College and one of the courses made us do a three minute set. I always thought I wanted to do plays, but once I did a set I realized that it was like my own mini play and I didn't have to depend on other people to move it forward. I was hooked immediately.
4. What was the greatest moment you've experienced on stage? How about the worst?
Performing in Alaska last year was one of the greatest moments I've had on stage. I went to an American Army base to perform for the troops. I was the only Canadian on the fort and it was a beautiful experience to see comedy bring people together no matter how different our lives may seem.
The worst experience would have to be bombing a show so bad that a dog came onstage and fell asleep beside me for the rest of my set. I bombed for 2 different species that day.
5. Who are your comedy heroes? Who do you look to for inspiration?
My comedy heroes are Dave Chappelle and Jim Carrey. Since I was young I loved them and as I grew up they continued and continue to be great.
For inspiration, I look to my life and the folks in it. I try to look at my real life interactions for material and then slip into a more surreal world.
6. What other fellow comics should Canadians know about?
There are so many good ones but a few of my favourites are Mark Debonis, Garrett Jamieson, Monty Scott and Arthur Simeon. All so different and all so great. Make sure you check them out when we are allowed to be together again.