Amazing! Woman who lost 150 pounds inspires others to objectify her

VANCOUVER, B.C.—For as long as Cassie Goodwin can remember, she's been overweight.
"I was a chubby kid. Then in my teens, I was just always heavier than everybody my age," Goodwin recalls. "Then I put on the 'freshman 40' at university, and it just never went away. And then some."
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Goodwin says she had a complicated relationship with food, using it as a coping mechanism to get through stressful times. She says she tried "every fad diet," but would inevitably go off of them, gain back the weight she lost, and then repeat the whole cycle. By age 30, when the scale displayed 270 pounds, the highest number she'd ever seen, enough was enough. Goodwin got a gym membership and took advantage of nutrition counseling and personal trainer services. Thanks to a low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet and 90 minutes of daily cardio, strength training, yoga, and Pilates, Goodwin now weighs in at a trim 120 pounds.
I felt like I wanted to start hitting the gym too, because I wanted to see what she looked like in a sports bra and yoga pants.- Brad Stevens
"Personally, I've never felt better," she says. "But what feels really good is the effect my weight loss journey has had on others."
That includes co-worker Brad Stevens, who, once he saw Goodwin hitting the gym during her lunch hour, started going, too.
"What's-her-name was so heavy, but then boom: smoking hot," Stevens says. "I felt like I wanted to start hitting the gym too, because I wanted to see what she looked like in a sports bra and yoga pants."
Stevens' sentiments are echoed by Hank Douglas, the security guard at Goodwin's office building.
"That one lady used to be very overweight, and now she's thin. She made me want to stop sitting on my butt all day and get moving," Douglas says. "By which I mean stand up, get out from behind my desk, and find a good spot where I can watch her walk those shapely legs of hers from the door all the way to the elevator."
Goodwin's amazing transformation has even given her roommate a new outlook.
"Cassie and I used to hit the bar after work every Fridays, and nobody would even give us the time of day," says Renée Thompson. "Now there are so many guys there just shamelessly and aggressively hitting on her. It makes me realize if I diet, exercise, and align my appearance with that of the completely arbitrary Western standard of beauty, I too can be a sex object and subject of the lustful male gaze."
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