An highly important grammar lesson for any of those whom hasn't figured it out yet

One thing and occurrence of which I've noticed, online, in reading the works of other's articles and comments, is the lack of their grammar nor skill in writing. In the sense of it being good.
The first step towards writing to a greater degree in terms of quality and also assuredness, is to master the basics of writing, grammar, and the art of words.
If you attempt to tell me that what you write is correct and the way in which I am writing and using the economy of words (and language) isn't thus, you've arranged a circular argument and defeated yourself. Those whom do that have already contested defeat.
When speaking (in the form of writing, a.k.a. when writing), do not use a surplus of words more than you require.
This only dilutes your point, of which you do not want to dilute it at any time in any way (nor for any reason).
Be clear when speaking (or writing, a.k.a. when writing) and your ideas unto which you have carefully prepared them through study and thought (without the influence of outside influences such as leftists or SJWs or any influence except Pure Logic) will be as accurately as possible conveyed to those whom most need to hear them, the erstwhile sufferers of not knowing what you have to say unto them, which is the truth (not as you know it, but indeed as it exists in a factual, a priori, agape, sense of what is the truth [a.k.a. truthful]).
I would thank one for having read one's essay herein, but I believe that I was doing a favour unto you, by sharing the lessons and enlightenment upon which I have happened in my readings and research (via reading and listening), and yet I also ask of you no thanks, although please do consider donating unto my Patreon.
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