Amanda Brooke Perrin
Amanda has written for Hulu, Netflix, City TV, CTV, CMT and CBC and has worked alongside The Kids in the Hall, Jay Baruchel and SCTV’s Catherine O’Hara. In 2016 she moderated for the critically acclaimed Trump VS. Bernie at The Opera House in Toronto and has been featured on Andy Kindler's Alternative Show. Despite all of these EARTH SHATTERING credits, her proudest achievement to date is moving out of her parents’ house before her older brother did.
Latest from Amanda Brooke Perrin

An Awkward Girl Dates... a Nerd
"Does that have modified starch? I'm very sensitive to corn."

An Awkward Girl Dates... a Douchebag
"People are way too friggin' sensitive these days."

An Awkward Girl Dates... A Hot Guy
"Sarah did not tell me she was setting me up with a 10."

That bath made me more anxious
8:15 p.m. So the liquid just sort of made a snake formation at the bottom of the tub. So now I’m getting into a snake tub. Great.

So you screen-grabbed your own tweet and posted it on Instagram: An outreach program
You might be feeling a lot of emotions right now: scared, embarrassed, lost, hopeless. And you should be feeling this way. In fact, if you weren’t, we wouldn’t be able to help you.

Your dad's search history explained
Remember when you let your dad use your laptop last week to “pay the water bill?” He absolutely was not doing that. Instead, he was trying to understand the conversation he’d just had with you.

You can take off your baseball cap, bald man on Tinder
We see you and we know what you’re doing. And, look, it’s O-KAY.

Cute date ideas to go on with yourself
The holiday season has arrived and you know what that means: EVERYONE IS DATING EACH OTHER! NONE LEFT FOR YOU!

You ruined our naughty girls' lunch by ordering salad, SARAH
I hadn’t treated myself to a lunch out of the office in months. MONTHS, Sarah.

Appropriate times to approach me in a coffee shop
It’s easy for people – specifically, men – to feel encouraged to come up and talk to me in a coffee shop whilst I am 10000000000.13495986% of the time focused and wearing headphones drinking a sugary sweet delight.