Tranna Wintour
Tranna Wintour is an optimistic, spiritual, happy, raunchy, pop-culture-obsessed, fashion-hungry comedienne.
Latest from Tranna Wintour

Margaret Cho taught me self love before it was trendy
Chosen Family's Tranna Wintour got to speak to her childhood hero in the latest episode of the podcast, along with co-host Thomas Leblanc.
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Dear Darren Aronofsky: mother! sucked
First of all, may I just say I am so happy that you finally decided to make a comedy.

Celine Dion to world: 'It took 30 years, but I'm very cool now'
More than anything, summer 2017 will be remembered as the summer Celine Dion allegedly, inexplicably, became cool.

President Trump to trans kids of America: "Just pee on each other"
To the surprise of no one, Attorney General Jeff Sessions agreed with the president.