Beautiful gym bag on TTC rudely lets its useless owner take up a whole second seat

TORONTO, ON—Ugh, enough bagspreading, please.
Spotted today seated on a TTC streetcar was an amazing bag. Several compartments, mint condition. The bag was entirely worthy of its seat. The owner it brought along with it, however, was taking up an entire second seat just for himself, a trend that we need to put an end to, and quick.
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"It was ridiculous," says Terry O'Quinn, a 27-year-old sandwich artist who was headed to a softball game in the Beaches.
"You could see why this bag needed a seat. It's amazing — purple with black leather stitching and kind of one of those bags that seemed like it was probably even bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. Like you know what I mean though?"
"But why did Trevor need to take up a whole second seat? I don't know if his name was Trevor but you know what I mean though, right? It was basically Trevor even if it wasn't."
"What am I gonna do, stand?" said Trevor, a 33-year-old professional gym-goer. "Squeeze into the corner? I'm just glad the bag lets me on the bus with it!"
At press time, someone had asked the bag if it could move Trevor so they could sit down, but was still awaiting a response 3 stops later.
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