Can you match the 6 people your mom cut out of her life to the seemingly trivial reason why?

We've all had to end a personal relationship with someone at some point in our lives, but do you think you can match the endless string of people your mom has suddenly deemed unworthy to the insignificant reason why?

1. Karen (friend)
- Forgot to return her favourite blouse
- Left a voicemail with "serious attitude" in 1993
- Doesn't eat onions
- Got engaged to that loser she went to college with
Correct answer: C! What kind of a freak doesn't like onions? How is your mom ever supposed to go out for dinner with that Karen??

2. Larissa (co-worker)
- Took a 60-minute break when she was only scheduled to take a 45-minute break, 3 days in a row!
- Ate lunch with Heather, who is universally hated amongst other employees
- Triple-booked the copier at the 2pm slot (which is the best time to use the copier as the paper stocks are replenished after lunch)
- Made rude remarks about Sheldon from Big Bang Theory
Correct answer: D! How DARE anyone speak ill of Sheldon, or Big Bang in general!

3. Kent (personal trainer)
- Looked at his phone at least three times during their 60-minute session
- Clearly had eaten a Greek salad or some other type of feta cheese thing before she arrived
- Reminds her of Robert Redford from that one movie she doesn't like
- Shorts were too tight
Correct answer: B! It wouldn't have been so bad if it was Thousand Island or any other "normal" dressing, but you know how much your mom hates feta!

4. Maria (housekeeper)
- Had a pair of earrings that looked like hers and even though she knows she didn't steal hers, it's just the fact they looked so similar
- Used a lemon-scented cleaning product and didn't want to embarrass her by asking to switch brands
- The pattern of her uniform reminded her of a deceased aunt's curtains
- Wouldn't come in to work on the Saturday of her daughter's 16th birthday
Correct answer: A! I mean, who wants to employ a woman who could steal your mom's earrings and wear them right in front of her if she wanted?!

5. Susan (friend)
- Tried to sell her Tupperware at a Tupperware party
- Videotaped over an episode of Friends she really liked back when they were roommates
- Started spending too much time with her dog
- Laughed at an inappropriate moment during The English Patient
Correct answer: A! Your mom was just there to catch up with old friends. How DARE this cutthroat salesperson defile the social conventions of a Tupperware party??

6. Heather (cousin)
- Was on vacation when Grandpa had his big heart attack
- Took home all of the leftover cranberry sauce after Thanksgiving dinner last year
- Got pregnant exactly the same time she did, taking all the attention away from her
- Got her car stuck in the driveway and asked her neighbour instead of us to help get her out
Correct answer: A! Heather KNEW grandpa wasn't feeling the best when she booked that trip six months ago, and it was entirely selfish to take a week off like that when the family was in crisis. Goodbye!
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