Canadian Music Hall of Fame inductee Sarah McLachlan overjoyed for first time ever

OTTAWA, ON—Legendary Canadian songstress Sarah McLachlan, whose excruciatingly sad and soulful songs many will remember from the background of their most brutal high school breakups, will join the Canadian Music Hall of Fame this spring, an achievement that McLachlan says she is struggling to process.
"I'm just so blissfully happy, and for once it isn't tinged with a looming existential darkness that threatens to swallow me whole, leaving nothing but unanswered questions in its wake as the feeling of quiet loneliness permeates my very being!" she exclaimed in a phone interview this morning.
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McLachlan says she will spend the months leading up to the ceremony "getting familiar with this feeling of just being straight-up pumped! It's just not something I've ever felt before. It's a lot. How do I do it."
"I mean, sure, like, one time I felt pumped! In November of 1998," she explains. "For nine seconds. I think I ordered some pizza, and felt excited for it to arrive. But then moments later, the cheese gave rise to some extremely painful truths from my past. Before I knew what was happening, I'd written and recorded the full length album Melting Desperately Into Your Arms."
McLachlan says she will also devote some time to writing her acceptance speech in advance of the April ceremony.
"God, I'm so elated to be writing it!" she says. "But, even so…" she trails off, staring quietly and wistfully into a dying rose as a gentle rain falls outside her window.
"You know what's much harder than accepting an award?" she whispers. "Accepting yourself. Just the way you are. Your broken, beautiful, flailing self, in all your mistakes and regrets and sadness. Love you let slip away. Chances you never took. The person you never became."
At press time, McLachlan swears she's still feeling "100% totally pumped!" but, after a long pause, she adds that "there's maybe some other stuff mixed in there, too," at which point she ends the interview abruptly to go wander on a dark beach in silence.
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