COMING SOON: Chicken Soup for the 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' Book Series Lover's Soul

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—We, the creators and publishers of the wildly successful Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, are proud to announce the release of our latest book.
I won't take up too much of your time here, as I've become very efficient by writing about two dozen of these releases about a new Chicken Soul book every year. I've actually got a template that I just fill in with the three or four words that will change for each edition, like "Dogs" or "Uncles."
Each story in this new book will deal with the heartwarming, inspiring, and sometimes heartbreaking experiences of people who love the Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
Honestly, we were a bit torn about releasing this book. This reticence was not based in any way on debating whether this is actually a good idea for a Chicken Soup for the Soul book—we lowered that bar to rock-bottom 150 titles ago. The main thing that' was troubling us is if we had maybe already done this one.
Luckily, we checked through our titles for a couple months and it turns out we somehow hadn't gotten around to it yet. Which is odd, actually, because we have done Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series Lover's Soul's Lover's Soul.
That's right, we wrote and published an entire book about the book we're about to publish, before the book we're about to publish even existed.
So I can't imagine what the heck is in that one. I didn't read it, of course. I don't read any of them anymore. I stopped around book three. I just count my money. I don't even know who writes them, I just throw out a suggestion from my desk like "… stapler lover's soul?" and that book shows up in a week on Amazon. I don't know how the process works, but it does.
We believe that this is our boldest Chicken Soup for the Soul venture yet, and that is saying something, coming from the outlet that brought you Chicken Soup for the Nascar Lover's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Dental Soul, and Chicken Soup for the Beach-Lover's Soul.
We like to go very specific or very general, as you can see. Do you happen, by some random chance, to know someone who loves the beach or has teeth? Odds are long, but if you know someone who does, great stocking-stuffer this Christmas!
Yes, it's still in print. They're all still in print.
If Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Lover's Book Series Lover's Soul does well (it will do well—they all do well), we are looking forward to releasing Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series Lover's Soul Book Series Lover's Soul. And then we're done. Not because we don't want to keep going, but because it gets really tricky to figure out the wording of the title. I'm almost certain I already didn't write that one correctly already.
So this Christmas, please consider purchasing Chicken Soup for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series Lover's Soul for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series lover in your life.
Oh! Chicken Soup for the Press Release Lover's Soul! That's a good one. Okay great, they're printing that one up, I can hear the printer running already.
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