Dating according to the Baroness von Sketch Show

Swiping right is just a tiny step in the tangled web of dating today. Preparing for a first date is as good as preparing for a crucial job interview. The Baronesses take us through some bizarre situations that you'd definitely come across in a bid to find that perfect match! And don't forget, you can watch every episode of the Baroness von Sketch Show streaming now on CBC Gem.
Send nudes
There's no way you could go wrong with these valuable tips on how to take the perfect nude photo!
Romeo and Juliet
If old school romance were to be set in modern-day reality, here's the tragedy that it would stir up!
Dating apps
Is it possible to swipe right offline, minus the awkwardness?
Dick pics
Available in all shapes and sizes; thank you, next!
When technology decides to third wheel on your date, prepare to be heading towards a lot more than the actual plan!
So dirty
For all those cleanliness freaks, this one's surely a treat!
First date
Just when you think you have found your match, there's a high probability of ghosting coming up!