Batman & Superman: The lesser crossovers

As the two most popular and successful characters in the DC Comics canon, The Man of Steel and The Caped Crusader have been teamed up numerous times. The World's Finest pairing has experienced their fair share of antagonism and camaraderie over the years, battling the forces of evil and, occasionally, each other as they've managed to forge a lasting, if somewhat grudging respect. With the upcoming release of Warner Bros. Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice, we thought we would take a look back at some of the "deep cuts" in their shared history.
1. Batman & Superman: A Friend In Need
When Superman is the only member of the Justice League who shows up to help Batman move, The Dark Knight becomes even more sullen and closed off than usual. It falls to Krypton's favourite son to sit his friend down and explain that if he would just open up a bit and let the others in, they'd see what kind of person he is and be more willing to help him out in the future. Batman admits that you don't have to be the world's greatest detective to see the wisdom in that, and the two finish the move and share pizza and beers.
2. Batman & Superman: Gone Fishin'
Burned out from crimefighting, the two heroes head up to the Lake of The Woods for some much needed R&R. A pretty boring read, notable only in that it is the first and last time the duo has ever been seen to platonically kiss "hello."
3. Batman & Superman: The Road To Tunisia
When a ship they're stowing away on sinks in the Mediterranean, the wacky duo of Batman and Superman end up as fish out of water, traveling Northern Africa with only a reluctant camel and a lovelorn Sheikh as their guides.
4. Batman & Superman v. KISS
Concerned about the corrupting influence of hard rock music, Superman and Batman attempt to stop KISS from performing a sold out concert at the Metropolis Arena. The band fights back using their own super powers, including Paul "Starman" Stanley's laser eye, Gene "The Demon" Simmons' inhuman strength and fire breathing, Ace 'Space Ace" Frehley's teleportation thumb, and Peter "The Cat" Criss' leaping ability. After battling to a standstill the heroes and band realize they shouldn't be enemies and join forces to beat up Aerosmith.