Don Cherry suffers massive Coach's Corner wardrobe malfunction

TORONTO, ON—Hockey fans got more Grapes than they bargained for during Saturday night's Coach's Corner broadcast when Don Cherry suffered a colossal wardrobe malfunction on live TV.
While standing up to loudly make a point about supporting Canada's troops, the outspoken commentator's alligator belt came loose and his flower-patterned pants tumbled to his ankles.
Unfortunately, 82-year-old Cherry was not wearing any underwear, leaving shocked viewers with an up close and personal look at his privates.
The broadcast legend didn't even seem to notice he was flashing the flesh until stunned co-host Ron MacLean shouted, "Don… yourthing!"
A clearly frazzled Cherry quickly pulled his pants up and continued the broadcast without missing a beat.
In an apology for the nude blooper, Cherry stated: "I'm truly sorry to anyone who was hurt by seeing my you-know-what. I do this job because I love hockey, not because I'm a sicko exhibitionist with the twisted brain of a pervert. And to all you kids out there: do your belts up tight and stay in school."
The CRTC is investigating the incident.