How to tell if you're "the dad" of your friend group

We all have roles in our group of friends. There's the "Pretty Boy" who gets all the ladies, the "Smart Guy" who kills it at trivia night, the "Funny Guy" who has you all in stitches. But what about the guy who enjoys a cold beer and a sensible pair of slacks? That's for sure "The Dad" of the group.
Not sure where you fit? Here are some surefire signs that you're "The Dad."
1. You've got a sweet dad bod
While all the guys are obsessing about getting "ripped", you don't give a single eff! You're soft in the middle, like a man who understands what it's like to raise a family in this economy.
2. It's assumed that you will be the driver
You're the only guy in the group with a car, so you're the default chauffeur. You've tried to get the guys to call you "Wheels", but Brendan wasn't having that.
3. You crack the corniest jokes
With classic gags like "blaming the fart on the dog", you've always got the gang groaning—which is a mixture of laughter and tears, and proof you're not only a true artist but also a true father.
4. You understand the value of a dollar
While everyone else is off blowing their allowance on Orange Julius and grass, you invest your hard-earned cash in some sick matching fedoras and silver chains for the guys. You've got an eye for style, and a gift card for LIDS. Brendan thinks the hats are lame, but what does he know?
We can all agree Orange Julius makes delicious and affordable smoothies. But when the guys look back on their Snapchats 10 years from now, they're going to regret not getting some good shots of the "Cool Guy Gang" looking fresh and fly.
5. You call your friends "the Cool Guy Gang"
You wanted to get t-shirts made with "Cool Guy Gang" on the front and everyone's cool nicknames on the back. But when you brought it up with Brendan he said you were smothering him and that you needed to find your own friends. That's classic Brendan. He's the "Funny Guy"!
6. You cut Brendan's umbilical chord
You wept as Brendan took his first breath on this earth. But that doesn't mean you're not a cool guy who knows how to get down with his doggies! You tried to get the gang to call you "Old Dawg" but mostly they just call you "Doug" or "Brendan's Dad."