Kim Jong-un's desert island discs

Since taking control of North Korea in 2011, Kim Jong-un has quietly become one of the most famous dictators in the world. But after a long day of inspecting factories and advising generals, what does 33-year-old Kim listen to when he needs to unwind? We recently sat down with The Glorious Leader to find out what songs matters most to him. His answers may surprise you!
Attractive Bean Paste Merchant – Song and Dance Ensemble of the Korean People's Army
"This is a situation every guy can relate to," says Kim. "You're walking along the street and suddenly you see a cute young thing selling bean paste. Next thing you know, your pulse is racing and you're blushing like a darn fool! [laughs] This song captures that feeling beautifully."
We Shall Use Bayonets To Disembowel The Enemy – Korean People's Army State Merited Chorus and Ensemble
"An oldie, but a goodie. I know there are lots of songs about disemboweling the enemy but this one is the best of the bunch. Plus, it's fun to dance to."
The Dear General Is A Handsome Person – Song and Dance Ensemble of the Korean People's Air Force
"No comment!"
Those Who Speak Ill Of The Potato Harvest Shall Be Punished – Central Military Band of the Department of the People's Armed Forces of the DPRK
"Look, I know the potato harvest is a hassle for a lot of people, but I honestly think it sucks when people trash talk it. This song also helped me process my father's death. Whenever I hear it, I imagine him looking down on me and smiling."
The Munitions Factory Has An Agreeable Atmosphere! – Song and Dance Ensemble of the Korean People's Navy
"I don't want to get too lewd, but this is the first track on my "Baby Makin' Music" mix. If you hear this funky jam coming out of my speakers? I'm probably busy in the boudoir!"
Observe The Sunset Over The Glorious Machine Gun Turret – Women's Military Marching Band of the Department of People's Security of the DPRK
"This is just one of those songs that can completely turn my mood around. Whenever I'm down in the dumps I crank this and before you know it, I'm tapping my foot and feeling like a million bucks. Wicked slap bass on this, too."
Hello – Adele
"I admit, I was nervous to see how Adele would come back after her hiatus. She even had a kid! Anyways, one listen to Hello and all my fears melted away. 25 was more than worth the wait. Adele is back, baby!"