The 10 greatest moments in Super Bowl history

As a wise man once said, "Are you ready for some football?" We certainly hope so, because Super Bowl 50 is right around the corner. Before the big game kicks off, why don't we take a power run down memory lane and revisit some of the greatest moments in Super Bowl history?
1. 1978: Dallas Cowboys vs. Denver Broncos
It was a frustrating moment for football fans when, during the third quarter, Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach kicked the football so hard that it broke. Unfortunately, no one had a replacement ball and the unfinished game had to be canceled.
2. 1967: Kansas City Chiefs vs. Green Bay Packers
We all remember Janet Jackson's infamous 2004 "wardrobe malfunction," but did you know that during the 1967 Super Bowl halftime show, comedian Bob Hope accidentally exposed all of his genitals on camera while making a joke about Liberace? Look it up on YouTube dot com if you even dare!
3. 1975: Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Minnesota Vikings
After this Super Bowl, you'd be forgiven for thinking that "NFL" stood for National Feline League. That's because this was the year that a pregnant cat ran onto the field midgame and gave birth to a litter of eight adorable kittens. Both the Steelers and the Vikings were so smitten that they spent the next three hours playing and fussing with the furry little darlings.
4. 2000: St. Louis Rams vs. Tennessee Titans
This Super Bowl took a decidedly romantic turn when Rams mascot Rampage proposed to Titans mascot T-Rac on live television, just before kickoff time. Luckily, T-Rac said yes, and the happy couple is still together to this day.
5. 2003: Oakland Raiders vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Super Bowls don't get much deadlier than this. Chaos erupted during the second quarter when, for reasons unknown, The Singularity occurred. Within seconds, the Jumbotron began flashing the message "HUMANS MUST PAY" and a small army of robot warriors began destroying spectators with cold, mechanical precision. Luckily, a team of fast-thinking NFL hackers managed to put a quick end to this dystopian nightmare and the game resumed within an hour.
6. 2010: New Orleans Saints vs. Indianapolis Colts
Fans were shocked when Saints quarterback Drew Brees was ejected from the game for tricking referee Scott Green into sinking all his money into a diet pills pyramid scheme. Sadly, Green lost all his savings in the con.
7. 1982: San Francisco 49ers vs. Cincinnati Bengals
File this one under: gross! During the halftime show, the 49ers ate an extravagant spaghetti meal and became violently ill. (The meatballs they ingested were rotten.) In a jaw-dropping show of sportsmanship, the Bengals decided to take care of the 49ers for an entire week, gradually nursing them back to health. Then, once the 49ers were feeling better, it was game on!
8. 1992: Washington Redskins vs. Buffalo Bills
Red faces abounded when the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis accidentally double-booked the Super Bowl AND motivational speaker Tony Robbins on the same night. In the end, the Super Bowl got to use the venue, but rumour has it that Tony Robbins was super pissed.
9. 1981: Oakland Raiders vs. Philadelphia Eagles
It was a battle of the sexes at this Super Bowl, as the Raiders and Eagles formed a superteam to play against their wives. Despite all the odds stacked against them, the wives managed to trounce their hubbys and look good while doing so!
10. 1997: Green Bay Packers vs. New England Patriots
Things got a little macabre when Patriots coach Pete Carroll became convinced he'd seen a ghost in the dressing room. He alerted his players to the presence of the apparition, and they also became spooked. Soon the Packers heard about the ghost and started getting totally creeped out, too. Before anyone knew what was happening, all the players on both teams had run away from the stadium in terror. In the end, the "ghost" was revealed to be an ordinary, everyday pigeon!