I'm not a racist, but I do need to remind people of that fact surprisingly often

I'm not a racist.
In fact, I would have to say I am probably the least racist person you know.
I can't think of when I have ever said a single word or phrase that I would deem racist.
However, I can think of many, many times when I have said a word or phrase that has then caused me to remind everyone that I am not racist.
Not a day goes by when I'm not asked, incredulously, whether I'm some kind of racist or something.
Even though I have a very easy answer to those impassioned queries: nope!
No, not a racist in the least.
I'm amazed, though, by just how often I am asked to clarify the fact that I am not a racist—which, again, more than happy to do! I would love everyone to know that I'm not a racist, not least because so many think I am after they learn that I have said the things I say and believe the things that I believe.
Seems we've lost our way a little bit as a society. We run around calling people racists if they behave in a way that discriminates against another race, whether directly or subtly (the kind of subtlety I've frankly always prided myself on, and which I worked hard to develop!).
In my day, racism was people walking around in white hoods, shouting in-dis-put-a-bly racist things at the top of their lungs.
And those are the rules I still play by. Am I a racist? Frankly, I'm offended by the question.
But by now I'm sure not surprised by it!
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