INSPIRING: This guy bought 4,000 U2 tickets and is willing to sell them for as little as twice the price

TORONTO, ON—Sometimes, just when you think nothing is going right, that there's no reason left to have hope in the world, one person comes along with enough generosity to completely change that.
An unnamed individual, using sophisticated, elaborate computer operations, succeeded in buying over 4,000 tickets for the upcoming U2 concert at the Air Canada Centre from the Ticketmaster website in the first 3/10ths of a second after they went on sale.
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Let me use that word again: he or she succeeded.
And isn't success what we are all striving for, in the end?
But that's not all. He or she now finds him or herself with a surplus of tickets on his or her hands. Quite a predicament to be in!
I feel for this person.
But then it looks like he or she got an idea.
All the tickets this individual had purchased showed up soon afterward on a website that will enable anyone—that's right, absolutely anyone who wants to attend the concert—to purchase the tickets for between two and 10 times the price.
Not all heroes wear capes, folks. Looks like some heroes sell tickets.
I don't know who you are, mysterious benefactor. I don't know what at least 4,000 of us did to deserve you. But what I do know, is that I want to thank you. I want to offer my gratitude for giving us the chance to spend $1,400 to stand in the 500 level and say, "Go on, U2. Continue playing songs!"
Once again: thank you.
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