Man decides instead of joining gym this year, he'll throw $80 in puddle every month

OTTAWA, ON—Devin Booth is shaking things up in 2017.
Like many, Booth gets a new gym membership every January and only ends up using it once or twice.
"But I always wait a few months to cancel it," Booth admits. "That way they think maybe I got more use out of it. Maybe they think they never see me because I work out at night. Because I have a cool day job. Like, an oil tycoon or something. I hope that's what they think."
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However, Booth is tired of burning his money and seeing no results.
"This year instead of joining the gym, once a month, I'm just gonna throw $80 in a puddle."
It sounds like a random act, but Booth believes there are many potential benefits to these acts of puddle philanthropy.
"First off, if someone sees me throw $80 in a puddle, they're really gonna think I'm crazy rich. And crazy crazy. Like the cool crazy. Gary Busey crazy."
There are also benefits to the community to be considered.
"After I throw the money in there, anyone else is welcome to grab it -- whoever is on hard times. I'm hoping they'll call it the Fountain of Booth."
Booth may even be able to get some exercise out of this, which was his original goal.
"I'm wagering that sometimes I'll have to walk pretty far to find a puddle. That's some nice, light cardio. On some days, there won't be any puddles and I'll have to carry a pitcher of water with me to make a puddle to throw the money in. That'll be some good upper body."
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