New social media site offers refreshing change: no posts

TORONTO, ON—Between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace, compulsive social networking is a big part of most people's days.
But studies show that on a subconscious level, ongoing exposure to social media provokes a range of negative emotions from mild irritation to profound depression, averaging out for most of us to a steady gnawing of self-doubt, lethargy, and occasional hives.
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"At first, you might think you're happy to see someone's vacation photos from Rome, for example," explains psychologist Dr. Natty Perera. "And that might be true, if it were one instance.
"But with the perpetual bombardment of such updates — everyone from your boyfriend's Nana to that ex-con you met once at a knitting class — it really just winds up being like a hailstorm of knives piercing through the already fragile balloon of your self-worth."
Even the mundane posts cause "unexpected distress," from that #TBT photo your high school friend put up that forced you to revisit your severe acne to the political cartoon your second cousin posted that seemed to favour white supremacy.
Too much stress, say creators Hamish Ebbs and Rita Phong.
"It's Marie Kondo for your online space," claims their press release.
"Stop questioning why your life is a vacant hellscape of unphotogenic boredom. Let filter out every single update while still allowing you to keep your stable of friends — all with zero guilt!"
What does NoNews look like? The basic package is a soothing blank page. You can choose the background colour, and add friends or "follow" people, just as you can with other social networking sites. But your timeline will remain blissfully content-free.
If you upgrade, you can choose to add in unchallenging memes and baby animal videos, and even "post" updates yourself. The bonus of this last feature? You'll never regret what you share, because it will never actually appear anywhere.
"One other feature of this new site is that you're saved from being constantly offended by the shocking ignorance of others — and from offending others by your own shocking ignorance," says Phong with a wink.
Sure, there may be some who want to stay "in the loop," but perhaps for the sake of your own well-being, you'll consider giving NoNews a try.
"Who knows? If you try this, you might just stop hating yourself…" Dr. Perera pauses for effect. "Just kidding! You'll still hate yourself. I'm afraid that's here to stay."
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