Sean Spicer mocks reporters for taking Trump's words literally or also figuratively

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Looks like the reporters have really goofed again, and thankfully, US Press Secretary Sean Spicer is here to set them straight.
Once again, Spicer has been forced to explain to a group of dumb reporters that they should not be taking President Trump's public speeches or tweets literally, and nor should they be taking them figuratively or metaphorically or allegorically.
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"Why are you even paying attention to his words?" said Spicer, sputtering so hard with exasperation that he was almost laughing.
"What does that have to do with what he thinks, or says, or stands for? Like I'm honestly not even mad, I'm laughing, it's funny to me."
"President Trump does not speak for the Trump administration," said Spicer. "I wish people could understand that, but even if he did, you're not understanding what he's saying. When he says there should be a 'travel ban,' he's not referring to 'travel' as the rest of us know it, and of course he's not saying or implying or even insinuating that there should be a ban on travel."
"And frankly I don't know where you're even getting the idea that he thinks there should be a 'travel ban' from him saying 'There should be a travel ban.' Think for two seconds! Please!" continued Spicer. "And most of all, ignore all the tweets! And anything else he says! And if you don't, know that he didn't even say it, you were hearing it wrong because there was construction going on nearby, so — you know? I mean!"
At press time, Spicer was telling reporters that the only time Trump has ever meant what he was saying was when he said "Sean Spicer is doing a great job for me and I will not fire him, that one was true, he did mean that, you can take it at face value."
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