Spider-Man: Homecoming to feature exclusive post-credits movie

LOS ANGELES, CA—Make sure to stay in your seats, folks, you won't want to miss this.
Industry and fans alike are buzzing after word spread that Spider-Man: Homecoming will be the first film to feature a full post-credits movie.
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"We are really excited about this move," says Gill Blabobo, a producer with Marvel Studios.
"People get so excited about post-credits scenes these days, that we thought this would be a great place to debut a film we hope they'll really like. Plus, going for 2+ hours rather than 45 seconds means that they'll really be getting their money's worth; money they did not pay for a post-credits scene. Also, people only ever watch superhero movies anymore, so this is the best way for us to get them to watch one of our mid-sized budget, slice-of-life dramas."
Though Blabobo was reluctant to give the full details of the plot, particularly because he was only available to talk for 15 minutes with us, he did drop some hints.
"It will feature a certain actor fans are familiar with, but haven't seen quite like this before. It will also feature 17 other characters with speaking roles, and an original plot. It has no connection to Spider-Man… or does it?! It does not. Ed Begley, Jr. is in it, but not in a major role."
At press time, it was rumoured that the post-credits movie may feature a post-credits movie, and so on into eternity.
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