Trump combs Reddit for perfect GIF to defuse North Korean crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C.—North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistics missile (ICBM) may indicate the country is nearing possession of long-range weaponry that could be capable of hitting the United States. This incredibly dangerous and complicated development is likely to require a careful, and well thought-out diplomatic strategy.
U.S. President Donald Trump has made assurances that he's taking the situation very seriously.
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"Look. It's under control. Capiche?" claimed Trump in a press conference this morning. "I don't want to reveal my plan of attack, but let's just say I've been on Reddit a lot today."
Earlier this month, a Reddit user created a gif of the president wrestling a CNN logo, which Trump tweeted out with the accompanying hashtag "#FraudNews".
"When it comes to North Korea, we all know I need to do something big", asserted the president. "Well, you remember how big that CNN tweet was. 350,000 retweets! That's like Kardashian level. I gotta do something like that again."
Trump believes he's already found some gifs on the website that could help resolve the tension with North Korea.
"I saw this one hilarious gif by a user called PepeDude69," chuckled Trump. "They put my face on Jose Bautista, and then had me doing the batflip, but the bat was the president of North Korea! I just flung him away! Whatever his name is. Kim something. Anyway, it's hilarious."
When pressed on how tweeting a gif could help resolve the tension in the Korean peninsula, Trump stressed that he's simply a man of his time.
"Look, I'm a modern president," insisted Trump. "Lincoln gave inspiring speeches, Roosevelt fought wars, I tweet short, sharable videos that were popularized on message boards mostly for adult men who like video games. All are valid."
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