Trump tells media he will allow them to cover World Press Freedom Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.—To commemorate World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd, President Donald Trump gave a press conference this morning.
In his impassioned oration, he repeatedly made the point that he believes so strongly in a free press that he will allow the press corps to cover World Press Freedom Day in any way they like, all day long.
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"I actually, nobody loves the press more than I do. It's true," said Trump. "You never see that written, because maybe the press doesn't like me so much, I don't know, but I truly believe that they should be allowed to do anything I let them do and they should have any access that I allow them to have. I mean I'm a generous guy, maybe, but I really believe they should have that chance if I give it to them."
Press Secretary Sean Spicer also spoke to the select group of reporters who were allowed into his press briefing, and told them that nothing is more valuable to Trump than the freedom of the press.
"The president feels, and honestly, feel free to write any of this — I'm not going to tell you what you can write today and neither is he — he feels that a free and fair press is very important. That word fair of course is very important to him, though, but honestly we're going to let any journalist who is fair, which of course entails being kind to the president, being responsible, praising the president as much as his little boy ego requires, if you're doing that you're golden."
"You're welcome to write any of this down today! Wait, read that back to me, Craig?"
At press time, Trump was saying that obviously you can't write about things he did before today that you don't like, because those didn't fall on World Press Freedom Day, and was also looking at cancelling it in 2018 and going forward, but honestly for today go nuts, within reason.
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